Master Trevino in front of the World Moo Duk Kwan Headquarters in Seoul, Korea with his instructor, Master H.Y. Kwon, and his fellow practitioner, Master Peter Douris.
Moo Duk Kwan translates as "School of Martial Virtue" and Soo Bahk Do translates as "Way of the Striking Hand." This traditional Korean martial art system was founded by Grandmaster Hwang Kee on November 9, 1945 in Yong San Ku Korea.
Queens Soo Bahk Do opened in 2013 and is certified by the US Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation to offer instruction in all aspects of this martial art system, bringing Moo Duk Kwan to New York City.
The instructor, William Trevino Sabomnim, is a 5th degree black belt and a certified master instructor with 30 years of experience in Soo Bahk Do. He also practices and teaches Tang Soo Do and Tai Chi, two arts that strongly influenced this "Korean karate" system. Master Trevino teaches for his love of the art and the positive impact it has had on his life--by day, he is a tenured professor of Speech and Theatre in Brooklyn, and has been a college educator in NYC for over 15 years.
Above: In June of 2014, the President of Wold Moo Duk Kwan, H.C. Hwang, personally visited Master H.Y. Kwon's school in New York and presented Master Trevino with his 5th degree black belt certification in an intimate promotion ceremony. Grandmaster H.C. Hwang has been featured on the cover of numerous martial arts magazines over the years and takes great pride in personally acknowledging the achievements of excellent Soo Bahk Do practitioners.